The Batak peoples are an ethnic group of more than 6 million people on 13 million of the northern province of the Indonesian island of Sumatra and occurred, there are over 74,000 years, one of the large volcanic eruptions in the world, the one that gave birth to Lake Toba (Tao Toba or Danau Toba).

The Batak country, occupies about 50,000 km² around the vast lake Toba and part of the mountainous area of the province of North Sumatra. Among the six Batak groups that all descend from the same ancestor, the most of them are the Batak Toba. They are close to 2 million.

Their alphabet, called “Surat Batak”, differs from the Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia) and has its origin in the Brahmi script of ancient India after Pallava and Kawi entries.C

This book provides an approach to the ethnicity, language, writing, traditions and their place in the modern world.


Yetty ARITONANG, born in 1963 in Sumatra came to France in 1987 to study French at the Sorbonne University. She worked successively in several companies in Paris and has held positions which led him to travel around the world. Very active in various associations between France and Indonesia, she also published a novel in Indonesian.


Parlons Batak by Yetty Aritonang
Parlons Batak by Yetty Aritonang



Livres, ebooks : PARLONS BATAK – Lac Toba Sumatra, Indonésie, Yetty ARITONANG

5-7, rue de l’Ecole Polytechnique
75005 Paris – France
Tel. + 33 1 40 46 79 20


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